Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Recap and update

Over the break I designed the functionality and designed the enemies. I based them on behaviors that would compliment gameplay, and provide interesting gameplay.

Also over the break, and during the first week of the quarter, I tested and attempted to implement an A* method of pathfinding that would simplify things and enable every enemy to be able to navigate any level that was designed without having to re-tool the enemies later. Unfortunately this particular method proved massively taxing on the engine, and the significant loss of framerate was not worth the trouble, and the method was scrapped.

During the first and second week, I began constructing enemy behavior by hand instead, using raycasting methods to determine collision and obstructions in front of and beneath the enemies. The first basic enemy was the end result.

During the second week, I began adding functionality and began implimenting the Hopper's behavior. Around this time my computer's screen gave out, and for the next three weeks I had to code strictly at SCAD, for lack of better alternatives.

During the second and third week, I began constructing little scripted tools for the level designers. My intention was to give the functionality that was needed for gameplay elements without them having to actually need to code anything themselves. I built a mover system, a basic "text to screen" tool, a method of updating player spawns (to allow spawn checkpoints), and an expansive trigger object that could allow a lot of situational solutions to whatever was required.

After the level tool kit was completed, I have since spent this week and the prior one refining the AI, and finishing the Hopper enemy's behavior. As of today, the Hopper's functionality is fully coded and awaits testing. And because the enemy architecture now fully exists, the other enemies are quickly following suit; the Juggernaut (and, by extension, the Snatcher) are almost fully coded, and I expect the rest of the enemies to be playtest-ready by the end of the week.

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