Saturday, November 16, 2013

The past two weeks have been devoted to creating the individual level scripts, and ensuring each level's objective was functional and successfully went to the next level upon completion.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Last week was pretty straightforward. Aside from design meetings, I began working on implementing the systems required for each level.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Second Week of Development

This week I have begun expanding the AI I have created by investigating an A* path finding package for unity. 

Afterwords I worked together with Eugine to merge his scripts and mine  into a cohesive whole. Whereas he focused primarily on the movement and physics, I focused on the controllers, and set up the basic AI to work with his work. Now that the AI is working and multiplayer functions, we have a prototype.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


My first job for this game was taking the core concept and creating a foundation for the gameplay. To this end, I developed what weapons would be used - the bow, war hammer, great sword, and others - and how they'd individually function, as well as some item ideas. Afterwords, I worked with the design team to further flush out how the game would play.

My task the week before last was to get more accustomed to using Unity, and to determine how to enable controller input. Fortunately this was fairly straightforward - Edit > Project Settings > Input shows the axis list, which can be configured to handle any and all controller input functions. Following that, I created a basic player controller script that would use the input from a controller to move player objects around.

Afterwords I began creating some basic artificial intelligence, so that players would have simple enemies to fight for the prototype.